>     This may be true, but everyone knows that hockey moms can put the dads
>     to shame any day of the week.  Back in high school, my best friend's
>     mother nearly started a riot...
	This reminded me of a, now, funny incident that happened to
	me in high school.  During a Central Mass Championship game,
	in front of a packed house, one of the opposing players swung
	his stick and cut me for a few stitches over my eye.  The first
	thing I saw, as soon as I got the blood out of my eyes, was
	my mother hanging over the glass and belting the guilty party
	in the head with her (large) purse knocking him off his skates.
	Not only was he ejected, but the crowd went wild with laughter.
	Needless to say, I took a lot of barbs from my teamates because
	of this.
Bill Beaulac
System Specialist
Convex TAC   x4069 	           "No matter where you go...there you are"
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