Erik writes:
>   It seems clear to me that the Gophers have the toughest group of dads in
>all of college hockey.  Perhaps they should start attending games wearing
>black leather jackets, with buck-toothed skull and crossbones on the backs.
    This may be true, but everyone knows that hockey moms can put the dads
    to shame any day of the week.  Back in high school, my best friend's
    mother nearly started a riot when opposing fans showered my friend with
    coins during a stoppage in play.  (Of course, he merely picked up the
    money and stuffed it in his sock.)  And this year, at the Notre Dame-BC
    game, some parents who travelled a ways to see their sons play almost
    hung some rude BC fans out to dry.
    (Have I started a new topic?)
    - mike