On Jan 24,  4:32pm, [log in to unmask] wrote:
} Subject: Re: Bad Penalties
} New rule on hitting from behind, perhaps new to the CCHA. I recall when
} broadcasting ECAC hockey that hitting from behind was a frequent penalty,
} though of course nowhere near as frequent as its actual occurence.
} I concurr that one referee to police 12 players (well 10 if you exclude the
} goalies) is a tough task. I can only remeber one or two occasions where
} linemen called penalties (and I believe they were bench penalties like too
} many men or interference). Of course this would detract from their line
} calling duties perhaps, still though I have seen referees miss so many calls,
} and some real blatant ones and cheap shots just cause they were keeping up
} with the play and not watching the extra-curriculars that sometimes occur, or
} because they didn't have the view the fans or us broadcasters had on the play
}-- End of excerpt from [log in to unmask]
2 points:
1.)  it's NOT a new rule in the CCHA, just unenforced.  It's at least 3
     years old.
2.)  When they changed to 1 ref (geezz . . . how long ago was that?), I
     disagreed with it then, and still do now.  Too much is being let go
     for the sake of 'speeding up the game'.
My HO only . . .
Phil Ritzenthaler  The Advanced Computing Center for the Arts & Design (ACCAD)
Systems Manager    The Ohio State University
                   UUCP: ...!{pyramid,killer}!grumpy.cgrg.ohio-state.edu!phil
(614) 292-3416     ARPA: [log in to unmask]