On Jan 24,  4:35pm, [log in to unmask] wrote:
} Subject: Re:  Bad Penalties
} Can't give the official rule, but in the CCHA, checking from behind draws
} an automatic 10-minute misconduct.  There were at least 2 in last weekend's
} LSSU-MSU games.
}-- End of excerpt from [log in to unmask]
This the exception rather than the rule.  I first saw checking from
behind penalties 2-3 years ago in the CCHA . . . the ref's were REAL BIG
on it the first year.
Since then, at least for the past 2 years, you could count on 1 hand the
checking from behind penalties I've seen . . . and they were all the 2
minute kind.  It may be on the books, but they don't call it!
Phil Ritzenthaler  The Advanced Computing Center for the Arts & Design (ACCAD)
Systems Manager    The Ohio State University
                   UUCP: ...!{pyramid,killer}!grumpy.cgrg.ohio-state.edu!phil
(614) 292-3416     ARPA: [log in to unmask]