I recall all too well the game to which you refered in your
post.  I believe it was against Michigan Dearbourne and was
perhaps the worst showing of sportsmanship I have ever
witnessed.  I think that six people were ejected for UMD and
three for Notre Dame (Brent Chapman being one of them.)  As I
recall, two players and one assistant coach were ejected for
"assaulting an official."  Now that is pretty bad.
The game, however, was quite exciting.  Dearbourne broke a tie
in the game in the third period on a goal which litteraly tore
through the webbing on Tim Lukenda's glove.  Notre Dame came
back to tie and then to win the game by (I think) a score of
4-3. That was the last game of my senior year.
I too would like to see Notre Dame reenter a leauge - preferably
the CCHA.  It will be hard for them to compete however.
Consider the fact that the 1984-85 team which you saw had only 5
scholarship players whereas the typical team has the NCAA
maximum of 20.  However, with the support of some of the
hockey alumni and players parents as awell as the hand full of
hockey fans in the South Bend area, I think they can pull it
off.  I remember a game against Bowling Green in 1982 or 1983
for which Marathon Oil gave away free tickets.  The ACC was
filled to capacity of 4000 fans!  It really can, and has been
Best of luck to you and keep pullin' for the Irish!
     - Pat
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