The wearing of the flags should be an individual decision
   by both the Canadian and American players.  This would be their
   own personal sign of support for the servicemen and women of
   their respective nations.  Of course this brings about the question
   of if a player is allowed to wear a flag on his helmet, than should
   an individual be allowed to wear a peace sign on his helmet?  As
   for the outside view that wearing flags is a sign of arrogance - I
   am confused.  How can a non-american view American players,
   playing an American game (Baseball and Football, at this point) on
   American soil be scene as flaunting arrogance?  Maybe this really
   isn't a topic for this discussion, but I view that as poppycock.
   Why is it that anytime an American, says with pride that he or she
   is an American - that it is viewed as imperialist or arrogant.  I
   would love to hear some Canadians on this issue.