First, I apologize for forgetting to mention Ohio State as a Division I school
in the CCHA.
OK, to answer John Feigal's question:  The NCAA collects all of its revenue
from its divisions one tournaments and the money goes into a pot which is then
distributed to division I schools only.  That is how the new rule will work, to
 the best of my knowledge.  Since many of the schools who play division I
hockey would not qualify for division I (I think the new rule would require
a school to have at least 3 division I sports to be considered a division I
For example UND plays football in division II, but even though they have a
hockey team in division I, they would not be eligible for division I monies
because hockey is there only division I sport.  This is why John (Gino)
Gasparini is so mad about this whole deal.  Personally I must agree.  I don't
think that the NCAA sees that hockey is such a revenue sport.  Perhaps if
enough people complain, the NCAA will see this and change their minds.
I hope that clears it up somewhat.  If I've overlooked anything, please let
me know.
Dan Glumac
University of Minnesota