It is my understanding that non-Division I schools may still participate
in Division I ice hockey by petitioning some Division I ice hockey
committee to be allowed to play "out-of-division" in ice hockey.
(e.g. Clarkson, a Division III school, petitions the NCAA Men's Ice
Hockey Rules Committee and asks to be allowed to compete in Division I
hockey.  The committee unanimously approves their request.)
These schools do not receive any of the tourney dough because basketball
and hockey tourney money all go into one big pot to be split evenly
among all teams in Division I.  So, Florida State indirectly gets a share of
the hockey tourney dough, but Clarkson doesn't.
However, teams participating in the tournament do get a per diem to
offset their expenses.
These rules could be changed - remember, the hockey rules don't
take effect until 1994.  There could be a package classifying hockey
as a revenue sport sometime soon.  At many (most ?) schools playing Division
I hockey, hockey IS a revenue sport.   I think there is some consensus in
the hockey community that some of the rules changes are not to the benefit
of college hockey.  The trick will be to convince the NCAA that hockey
is different from other sports - because probably many sports don't like
the way the new proposals downsize them.
This is my understanding of the effects of the rules.