Bill Fenwick had mentioned that it had appeared that Harvard might skate away
with the ECAC division title this year after their performance in the first
half of the year.  However, if you look at their schedule and who they played
where, it's no big surprise.  They played most of the weaker ECAC teams in the
beginning half.  Their only road trip was to Army and Princeton.  They lost
to Princeton.  They hosted Cornell.  And we know that Cornell has problems
beating Harvard in Mass.  Harvard has also played the hap-less Dartmouth
team twice.  So I think that their record  reflects this and will not improve
significantly.  They will probably wind up in first after this weekend with
SLU playing non-league games and Harvard playing Yale and Brown.  I think
that they can beat Brown, but they do have problems at the Yale Whale.
However, Harvard will be their in the end, especially with their strong offense.
BTW their goals for is at the expense of the weaker teams.
Question: Is either, or both, of the Robitailles (sp?), one at UMO, one at RPI,
	related to the Robitaille in the NHL?
Mike Zak
Clarkson '87, '90, ...(Fall '91 ?)