Rick Banks, in reference to Cornell fans, wrote:
> At Cornell we seemed to have developed a number of these "traditions"
> which at best are embarassing, and at worst, down-right disgusting.
> The constant, idiotic, and foul-mouthed cheers which seem to dominate
> the involvement of the student section not only make me very angry but
> embarass me as an alumnus and long-time fan.
> The sad thing about this is that all this energy is going to waste,
> with very little fan input going to encourage or support the home
> team.  Rather than cheering FOR the home team the fans are cheering
> AGAINST the visitors.  Since the "anti-cheering" probably has no
> effect on the visitors,logically, the home team is being
> short-changed.
I have to step in here and tell the newsgroup that from MY
perspective, the Cornell student body supports their team as much as
any school in college hockey, and I find Mr. Banks' statement to be
totally false, ludicrous, and overblown.
I am NOT saying that there are no foul-mouthed fans at the games, or
that the student body doesn't cheer against the visitors.  But to go
as far as to say the student body short-changes the Cornell team by
spending 99% of their time jeering the other team is ridiculous.
Nate Huang  '89