I've got to second (or whatever) Arthur's and George's comments on fan
behavior and instant tradition at hockey games (or any other sporting
event, for that matter).
At Cornell we seemed to have developed a number of these "traditions" which
at best are embarassing, and at worst, down-right disgusting.  The constant,
idiotic, and foul-mouthed cheers which seem to dominate the involvement of
the student section not only make me very angry but embarass me as an alumnus
and long-time fan.
The sad thing about this is that all this energy is going to waste, with
very little fan input going to encourage or support the home team.  Rather
than cheering FOR the home team the fans are cheering AGAINST the visitors.
Since the "anti-cheering" probably has no effect on the visitors,logically,
the home team is being short-changed.
Rick Banks  '72