On the subject of uniform divisions...
     What good would it do to have all athletics at a school at one level?
Why is there a need for this?  If you attempt to do this, the only result
that I can see is having two types of schools:  academic monasteries and
athletic factories.  Granted, there are schools who can balance the two
quite well at the Division I level (mostly the larger schools in the midwest),
but this would inevitably hurt the smaller schools (namely, ECAC Div. I
& Hockey East schools).  Could you see Clarkson, St. Lawrence, or RPI trying
to field a Division I basketball team (Clarkson hasn't had much success lately
with its Div III men's team)?  Or a football team.  Mainly, schools such as
these are known for two things (at least):  a good, solid education, and a
good hockey team.  Chances are, these schools would lower their hockey programs
to Division III (adding to an already overcrowded ECAC Div. III conference),
rather than becoming doormats of a Division I conference (yeah, I'd love to
see Clarkson join Big East Basketball anytime soon).
Of course, Clarkson might decide to DROP all other sports (or move women's
bball to Div. I...they might actually have a chance) :^)
Anyway, this is just the way I see things.  Is there any way that we, as
fans, can show the NCAA just how we feel?  Or is this another move made in
the name of the Almighty Dollar?
Jeremy Hall
Clarkson University, Class of 1991