just doing this real quick, I have Guards drill this weekend, and need
SOME sleep (would be nice)
Final score was UND 6 Minn 1.
First period:
dispite UND finishing the period 1-0, period belonged to Minn, especially
in the early minutes.  Shots on goal definetly toward the Gophers.  The
saving grace for UND was Tony Couture's goaltending, with some fantastic
saves.  Much of the play was in UND's end of the ice.
Second period:
Gino musta turned on the heat.  Russ Romaniuk, who only played something like
6 minutes of the entire game, scored a true hatrick with three goals in a
row in the second.  Shots on goal was more even, but UM still had more
shots.  There was one off the pipe that was scarry, and one that UND scored
on, yet it must have bounced off the back of the net seconds before.
Third period:
Both teams obviously getting tired.  Fights become commonplace, starting late
in the second, and carrying on strong here in the third.  No ejections this
time, but plenty of penalty minutes.
Stats will be inputted on Sunday night, when I get back from being a sargeant.
(Sorry about the welcome we gave you, Gopher fans..we just had to take a
notch out of you, since you are only 3 points ahead of us in first place!)
Fighting Sioux!
C. Patrick Simons      C. Patrick Simons           (Good luck, for some)
P.O. Box 7224          Past Student Chair, UND-ACM (reason I'm never   )
University Station     Computer Science Dept.      (home..I'm always   )
Grand Forks, ND 58202  Box 103                     (on a computer!!    )
(701) 772-3947         Grand Forks, ND 58202