Mike Zak writes:
>Lowell was up 2 - 0 into the second period when SLU came out with
>5 straight goals including a short-handed one.  SLU played two goalies, none
>being the expected starters Mudd or Kuntar.
You won't see Mike Mudd at all this season, because he graduated last year.
Les Kuntar, a senior, is supposedly the starter, but he really wasn't that
good last season, and I wouldn't be surprised if Saints head coach Joe Marsh
was looking for someone else to share or even take over the goaltending
Bill Fenwick
Cornell '86
"I love driving.  My dad gave me a car when I was 16 years old.  What a nice
 guy, huh?  Although I recently found out it was a rental car and I owe 1.5
 million dollars."
-- Peter Gaulke