Bill Fenwick says, quite correctly:
 > Fans should remember, though, that throwing stuff on the ice usually
 > results in a bench minor to the home team for delay of game, which isn't
 > exactly helpful.
     <<a few lines deleted>>
 > In addition to causing a penalty, throwing things onto
 > the ice is dangerous for the players, especially small or sharp objects that
 > might freeze to the surface and be missed by the cleanup crew.  A player
 > could be skating at full speed, catch a skate in something stuck to the ice,
 > and could easily tear a knee ligament or something.  I'll bet it's happened
 > a few times, and that it's part of the reason for the penalty.
I would like to second this, and make it clear that I do not advocate throwing
anything on the ice for the reasons stated so eloquently by Bill.
Bill also says:
 > Correct me if I'm wrong, (he said unnecessarily :-) but I think most schools
 > play both anthems.  It's probably more tradition than anything else, even
 > though there are a lot of Canadian players at American colleges.
The only time I've heard the Canadian anthem played in Mariucci Arena was when
Minnesota played Team Canada last month. At all other games, just the Star-
Spangled Banner is played. This is probably due to the fact that the Gophers
have no Canadian players.
Incidentally, Bill, should you want to hear the Minnesota Rouser, come to
St. Paul for the NCAA Championship.  With any luck, both Minnesota and Cornell
will be playing.
Dave Suess says:
 > The real tragedy here is that we were screaming to have Meatball and Ricci
 > thrown out of the WCHA nearly 20 years ago!  At UND ('72-'77), Medo had all
 > the popularity that the other schools have been pointing out ...
Nope, wrong Ricci. It was Brain Ricci that was just dropped by the WCHA.
You're thinking of his father, "Papa" John Ricci, who officiated for many years
in the WCHA.
Erik J. Biever                           --GOLDEN GOPHER   MMMMM    MMMMM
St. Paul, Minnesota                     --HOCKEY            MM MM  MM MM
Home of the 1991 NCAA Championship     --Fastest Game      MM   MMMM   MM
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