The Western Ontario Mustangs won once and lost once in its
Sunday/Monday swing thru southern Michigan and northwest Ohio. Both
games were considered exhibitions.
On Sunday, the purple-clad icers 'upset' Michigan, 6-4. I heard that
a fight broke out in this contest.
Monday night they didn't fare so well, as Bowling Green stomped to
an 11-3 win. The game wasn't as close as the score might indicate.
An important note for Falcon watchers is that crowd favorite Christian
Albitz, BG's 5 foot 5 inch* third-string goalie, played for about 7
minutes and made 6 saves. Perhaps the senior will actually see non-
exhibition action this year!
*The media guide says 5'5". In skates, his shoulders barely reach the
cross-bar. How tall is he really?