More to rule 5-4-b-6...The referee, at his discreation, may assess
a penalty for any reported infraction.
Rule 6-14-7 Fighting...A major disqualification penalty shall be
imposed on a player or goalkeeper who is the first to intervene
in an altercation that is in progress.  This penalty is in addition  to any othe
r penalty incurred during the same incident. Note: A player who tries to restrai
n a teammate will not be assessed this penalty; however, players
subsequent to the first intervening player will be penalized in
relation to the severity of the intervention.
Rule 6-17-a Handling the Puck.....The puck may be stopped and carried or kick-pa
ssed by the skate.  it may be stopped by any other part of the body,
but not thus carried; nor may it be held.  It may be stopped by the  hand on or
off the ice.  The puck may be batted by the open hand but the player who batted
it must be the first to recover it for that team.
If the puck, after being batted in the air by hand or high stick
or propelled by the hand along the ice, even though in the crease,
 is first controlled by an opponent, all players are eligible to playthe puck an
d play is not stopped.  If the puck, after being batted in the air by hand or hi
gh stick, or propelled by the hand along the ice, even though in the