>                      Europe
>Czech    1    2    0    1    3    2    3    3    4    1    0    1     21     8
>Fin      0    1    0    0    0    1    1    0    2    1    1    2      9     3
>Norway   0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    1    1    0      2     0
>						      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>  tot    1    4    1    2    4    8    6    7    6    4    5    5     53    38
  One small error here, Mike. You missed a Norwegian player. These are the
three :
204. Hartford    Espen Knutsen, C         Valerengen (Norway)
218. Minnesota   Ole Dahlstrom, C         Furuset (Norway)
225. Hartford    Tommie Eriksen, D        Prince Albert (WHL)
  Tommie Eriksen playes in Canada, but is Norwegian. He belongs to Furuset,
and is a friend of mine. We played together in Furuset and Manglerud/Star
in Norway. This last season was his first in WHL. ( Actually I spoke with him
only yesterday ).
Norway   0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    1    2    0      3     0
  tot    1    4    1    2    4    8    6    7    6    4    6    5     54    38
  *** Petter.
::::::...Petter Lande, Computer Science, University of Oslo, Norway....::::::::
::::::...Bjerregaards gt. 16, 0172 Oslo 1, Norway. Phone : 02-608396...::::::::
      " Talk sense to a fool, and he calls you foolish "     - Euripides