Regarding the new Dartmouth hockey coach, it has been said that-
>The name you are looking for is Jeff Kosak. But you don't need to
>remember it any more, because I saw a note in the paper saying that
>he resigned on Monday, after just 10 days on the job, for personal
>and family reasons.
   This is correct.  RUMOR has it that the real reason for the resignation
(did his personal and family situation change that dramatically in 2 weeks?)
is that there was disagreement in recruiting practices with the
   I believe that (former) Dartmouth coach Brian Mason was right in saying
that Dartmouth cannot expect to maintain its strict admissions policies and
have a winning hockey team - they are mutually exclusive.  If Dartmouth wants
to continue these admissions policies, it should run the hockey program to
allow student-scholars to participate in intercollegiate athletics - solely
for the "life experience".  This is one philosophy that might be acceptable,
but the outcry from alumni seems to indicate that this is not a vialbe
alternative.  Whoever take the Dartmouth job (anyone interested?) will have
their hands full.
                                  - Bob