Hi everyone-
I need to report out the contents and value of our state basket and wanted to make sure everyone that plans to contribute has submitted their items on the google form<https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=5TJOmIr5AEaqMifD-Uir46zV19lkTd9DggX6b0Y4j8tUOTI2RldHMlVJMlU1RkpRVEczQlAzVTQzRS4u>. If you have purchase anything or plan to, please take a moment to fill out the details so we capture the full value! Thank you to all who have contributed! Can't wait to see folks in Burlington!

Ginny Fowles Ward (she/her)
Associate Director

Bowdoin College Upward Bound
3400 College Station / Brunswick ME / 04011
Cell: 207-841-7539
Office: 207-725-3565
Zoom: https://bowdoin.zoom.us/my/ub.ginny
Why pronouns matter<https://medium.com/gender-inclusivit/why-i-put-pronouns-on-my-email-signature-and-linkedin-profile-and-you-should-too-d3dc942c8743>