(On behalf of Raechel Moore, the editor for the upcoming edition of the MSL Quarterly)

Happy New Year, everyone!

As Jared teased from yesterday's email, the Maine State Library Quarterly Newsletter is open for submissions for our February 2024 issue! The newsletter is a great way to share news about your library, feature programs or events, and see what your community libraries are up to! We would love for you to participate and submit something big or small, and we love photos with a caption!

The deadline for submissions is February 14th and you can submit items either directly to me at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> or through our Google Doc here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/185QpAbiVUprdgkkEEyrgU7G-pQpDUhZbypzdjEXRGVo/

I look forward to seeing all the cool stuff you and your library have been up to!

Stay warm,
