Hi everyone-
I hope this week has provided you with some time and space to process the events of last week, be in community, and take care of yourself. 

As we move further into the year, I wanted to encourage you to consider a couple of things:
  1. Register to attend our annual conference in January-- we are still working to get back to our pre-pandemic conference experiences and are looking forward to being together in person. Steve and Teri have worked tirelessly to find an affordable location and those 2-3 days together are a vital way for us to connect, share best practices, and recharge our mojo for TRIO/GearUp. We hope you'll join us in Augusta! Early bird rate is good through 11/30. https://www.meeoa.org/conference_reg_info.php
  2. Become a member- MEEOA is here for YOU and your membership allows us to continue to support you, your programs, and your students through professional development, real-time updates from the Council for Opportunity in Education and NEOA that impact your work, and advocacy at both the state and federal level. Become a member here: https://www.meeoa.org/membership.php?id=4
  3. Join our State Initiatives group- MEEOA has been invited to participate in COE's State Initiatives Pilot program supporting states in identifying a project or area of focus to develop over the course of a year (or more). Monthly coaching & group calls offer our team an opportunity to connect with other state leaders, learn from and potentially replicate successful initiatives, and broaden our reach and influence at the state level. We welcome and invite anyone interested in learning more to join us as we are just beginning to iron out what our focus will be. Contact me if you'd like to learn more or join us on our next call! [log in to unmask]
  4. Join (and spread the word!) the First Gen Lunch Panel Celebration on November 7 from 12-1 pm! 3 fabulous alumni will talk about their first gen journeys and how their success stories can be a guide for future first gen college grads. Flyer attached!
I want to extend my gratitude to each of you for all that you do and all that you hold every day. We have the privilege of offering hope and light to students in a sometimes very dark world and it is often difficult to see the hope ourselves. I sincerely hope & believe that being together in January can offer some light to each of us and hope to see you then. Thank you for reading!

Ginny Fowles Ward (she/her)
President, MEEOA

Associate Director
Bowdoin College Upward Bound
3400 College Station / Brunswick ME / 04011
Cell: 207-841-7539
Office: 207-725-3565
Zoom: https://bowdoin.zoom.us/my/ub.ginny
Why pronouns matter