Hello MEEOA!
Don't forget to join us for a dive into the Better FAFSA with Maine’s top expert, Mila Tappan of FAME, on Tuesday, October 3 from 10-12.

The “Better” FAFSA is Coming in December!


The FAFSA is being completely overhauled resulting in the process, form, and underlying eligibility formula being different than in the past. Many of the changes are positive, but these modifications require students and parents to take action before the FAFSA can be filed. During our time together, we’ll discuss these and other changes, including the expansion of Pell Grant eligibility and improvements in the FAFSA filing and follow up process for students with challenging circumstances. Get your questions ready as there will be time for Q & A!

To join: 


Thanks to Past-Pres Terry Charlton for coordinating this important PD opportunity!
