Greetings, all!

It is with no small measure of sadness that I announce that the Daily Astronomer, which we started in 2002, has come to an end.    I hope that the joy you derived from reading the articles was at least half of that which I derived from writing them.      Unfortunately, time pressures and other factors have induced me to make this decision. However, the tedious astronomy writing has not ended altogether.  Allow me to introduce  "The Wandering Astronomer"

As was true with the DA, the Wandering Astronomer will include articles from all branches of astronomy, astrophysics, and even mythology.       The Wandering Astronomer will also include articles about "Big History"  Essentially, these articles will be like the DA, except they won't be posted every day.

The name "wandering astronomer" seems quite apt, for astronomy people, like humans in general, are restless wanderers at heart.     The only difference is that the astronomer seeks to wander in all the remote and exotic places that shall forever remain inaccessible to him/her.    Such is the unfathomable power of the human mind that it can defy gravity and explore every niche within the unbounded black yonder.   Even though the DA is now a catacomb wraith,  these wanderings shall continue, albeit less frequently.*

You may still receive wandering astronomer articles in your in-box!
Simply go to the web-site

and scroll down to the bottom of the home page to subscribe.  Yes, it is free of charge.
I want to thank my beloved spouse Susan Herrick-Gleason for designing and developing this blog.

We will still use this list-serve to post these new Wandering Astronomer articles, at least for the next few months.   

Thank you all again for riding with me for all these years.
I hope our journeys together will continue.