Good morning MEEOA Membership,
I hope you all had lovely weekends!

I am emailing with exciting news, Bowdoin Upward Bound's Ginny Ward has offered to step forward as president of MEEOA for the '23-'24 year. We'd like to ask all *paid* members to take a minute to vote using this Google Form:

Voting will be open for a week, and close on Monday, May 8th at noon. 

We are so appreciative of Ginny stepping forward to serve....again! 
Please reach out to me with any questions about the voting process at [log in to unmask]

Samantha Prosser
TRIO Upward Bound Coordinator
Maine Educational Opportunity Association (MEEOA) Past-President

University of Southern Maine
37 College Ave
Gorham, ME 04038
Phone: 207-780-5828
Fax: 207-228-8259

Pronouns: she, her, hers
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