Would the ECAC get better total attendance if, like the CCHA & B1G, they played the tournament at the higher seed all the way through?

3 weekends.

Joe LaCour
Sent from my mobile phone

On Sat, Mar 18, 2023, 10:29 PM Joe Makowiec <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
At 3-18-2023 01:59 PM, Carol White wrote:
>I know we are older than we'd like to admit, but there are some dang
>good Hockey Teams out there competing for that GOLD TROPHY!!!

Given that RPI are polishing up the Callaways, I like how the ECAC
tournament is going so far. And I like the fact that they moved it
from Atlantic City to Lake Placid.

Joe Makowiec can be reached at: