70 Falmouth Street      Portland, Maine 04103
(207) 780-4249
43.6667° N    70.2667° W  Founded January 1970
2022-2023: LVI
Sunrise: 7:08 a.m.
Sunset: 4:05 p.m.
Civil twilight begins: 6:35 a.m.
Civil twilight ends: 4:38 p.m.
Sun's host constellation: Ophiuchus
Moon phase: Waning Gibbous (58% illuminated)
Moonrise: 11:13 p.m.
Moonset: 12:15 p.m. (12/16/2022)
Julian date: 2459929.21
"USA: 2426 World Cup Champions"

Thursday, December 15, 2022
A Neutron Star Pandora

Happy Birthday, Brother!

Today's trip to Pandora's Jar takes us into the strange, powerful and
perplexing realm of neutron stars: those city-sized, super dense remnants
of highly massive stars.

*How can neutron stars have a diameter of just 20 km, when our Sun has a
diameter of around 1.4 million km? *

Remarkably, because the Sun, just like every other object we encounter
throughout our lives, is mostly empty space. The electric fields within the
objects lend them a sense of ‘solidity.” Slap your hand down on your desk:
the resistance you experience is a direct result of those fields. One
cannot regard electrons as occupying points, but, instead, exist in
“clouds.” The Pauli Exclusion Principle*** does not permit the electron
clouds in one’s hand to occupy the same quantum state as the electron
clouds in the table.

To explain the comparatively minuscule size of a neutron star and that of
the enormous Sun, we need to examine the relative sizes of subatomic
particles. Regard, for instance, the simple hydrogen atom. Were we to
inflate the nucleus to the size of a basketball, the electron would be
found about two miles away!* The intervening space would be empty.** The
atom is almost entirely empty space.

Now, regard the Sun. Even though the core is extremely dense, 150,000
kg/cubic meter-about 10 times denser than lead-, the density of a neutron
star is 100,000,000,000,000,000 kg/cubic meter. Despite the solar core’s
high density, it isn’t nearly as dense as it could be. The Sun remains so
large because of two contrary forces: the gravitational compression is
counterbalanced by the energy pressure expansion. The balance of these
forces produces a state known as hydrostatic equilibrium.

Eventually, when the Sun reaches the end of its life cycle, it will cast
its outer layers away to become a planetary nebula while leaving a white
dwarf core behind. The density of this hot, planet-sized stellar remnant
will equal about 1,000,000,000 kg/cubic meter. The strong gravitational
compression within a white dwarf is not counterbalanced by energy pressure
because the thermonuclear fusion reactions have ceased. Instead, electron
degeneracy: the electrons within the white dwarf resist further
compression.*** Consequently, even though a white dwarf is far denser than
even the solar core, some space still remains within it.

However, when highly massive stars -those at least eight times more massive
than the Sun- end their lives, most of them explode as Type II supernovae.
Prior to this explosion, the outer layers collapse onto the star at half
the speed of light. This incomprehensibly powerful force compresses the
core so much that even electron degeneracy cannot prevent further size
reduction. The resultant neutron star, about the size of a large city, is
sustained by neutron degeneracy pressure. The protons and electrons are
squeezed together to produce neutrons contained within the smallest
possible volume. No inner space remains. A single teaspoon sized piece of a
neutron star would weigh about one trillion kilograms!

So, a neutron star can be so small because all the empty space has been
removed from it.

Consider the two facts below in reference to the amount of empty space
within “ordinary objects.”

Remove all the empty space out of the moon and it could fit neatly inside a
soup can.

Gather together all the human beings currently alive now. (8.004 billion).
If you were to remove all the empty space from all those people, the
resultant object would be the size of a sugar cube.

I hope this answer proves helpful.

*Yes, we know that electrons are not discrete and so do not occupy specific
points in space. However, we’re trying to explain the relative proportions
of atoms.

**Yes, we know about virtual particles and vacuum energy and the like, but
if I have to keep writing footnotes, I’ll never get through this answer.

***This is an example of degeneracy pressure. The Pauli Exclusion Principle
does not allow two electrons with the same “spin” to occupy the same energy
state within the same volume.

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