I'm so sorry to hear this news. Corda was always such a light in the MEEOA community- joyful, enthusiastic, and positive in her support of colleagues and students alike. My thoughts are with her family and the many friends and colleagues who are feeling her sudden absence. 

Thank you for sharing, Terry.

Ginny Fowles Ward (she/her)
Associate Director

Bowdoin College Upward Bound
3400 College Station / Brunswick ME / 04011
Cell: 207-841-7539
Office: 207-725-3565
Zoom: https://bowdoin.zoom.us/my/ub.ginny
Why pronouns matter

From: - MEEOA-L - Maine Educational Opportunity Association members communication <[log in to unmask]> on behalf of Charlton, Terry T. <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2022 8:35 AM
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: {Disarmed} Sad news

Good morning MEEOA friends,


I have some sad news to share today. Our colleague, Corda Kinzie passed away unexpectedly last week. Corda was an avid member of MEEOA who often presented at conferences and participated in Advocacy Day at the Hall of Flags. I remember Corda as a woman of style and wit with a passion for education.   Condolences to Corda's family and friends. She will be missed deeply.


Below is the posting from the MEEOA and Syntro Facebook pages

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Terry T. Charlton, M.Ed

TRIO Student Support Services Director

Maine Educational Opportunity Association (MEEOA) President


Central Maine Community College

1250 Turner Street

Auburn, Maine 04210

[log in to unmask]" shash="Z6ihjJLkjc0rUD8j02Oh+jWYzG8rXTw9CwJQ9rs/xNCHxgalMrw5hJlllmTjsblC8t2us9ZZ0rX6l5wXIU6nKQOkkCKDYfOrUrtRsaXzQGESC+ENi2Yt8/bgj9duWwt8SWk6XDHjdlWJ26hYdAecOokQd7w6/uC/HWoZStblSmg=">Tel: (207) 755-5238


“ Access without support is not opportunity” – Vincent Tinto


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Pronouns: She, her, hers