Hi All, We just held the first meeting of the Maine Library Adult Services Discussion Group and it was a good one with lots of great programming ideas. You can view the recording at https://mainestate.zoom.us/rec/share/Tb5tqw2Nzj6Sn0WYb6W5Ix4gbjy_gy3mhVevGQrzUm8YkBB_qsNuBybuTmeYWbu7.DvDHnOwn_hzp_gKy?startTime=1663178680000
Passcode: N.4@NzWa<mailto:N.4@NzWa>  [The first 12 minutes is housekeeping business and then the discussion gets going.]

If you want to join the group and dedicated e-mail list, just send me your e-mail. Deb

Some of the programs discussed at this session were:

  *   Climate change
  *   Author talks
  *   Cyber security
  *   Local history
  *   Beekeeping & seed saving
  *   Book clubs
  *   "Paint and Sip"
  *   Monthly crafts led by community crafters
  *   Trivia nights
  *   Virtual program- Chef's Challenge
  *   Bendable kick-off event
  *   Group writing activity
  *   Portable kitchen programs
  *   Foreign affairs discussions
  *   Partnering with the National Digital Equity Center for community digital literacy classes
  *   Banned Books Challenge (posting a picture of yourself reading a banned book to enter a drawing)
  *   Banned books festival in the park
  *   Family adventure packs
  *   Halloween programming (Maine Horror Writers Association presenting)
  *   Patio concerts
  *   Book folding
  *   Sustainability series (raising chickens, bees, etc.)

Our next discussion will be scheduled for November 16, 2 PM. Discussion members will receive a Zoom link before the meeting.

Deborah A. Clark, MLIS
Library Management Specialist
Maine State Library
E-mail: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>

"Great Libraries Build Strong Communities"