Soul and Ego  Part II

We'll start your Monday with splendid news.
You are strong.
You are confident.
You are the exact person you want to become.
You are part of the immensely powerful lifeforce pervading the cosmos and
are able to extract strength from it at any time.

Now, if, by chance, you're saying to yourself:
I am not strong, or confident and I have striven to be who I want to be,
but to no avail, and you cannot draw strength from nothingness, well,
please continue reading.

From what I can gather from my own experience and listening to and reading
the works of spiritual teachers, the problem is one of dichotomy: the split
between soul/spirit and ego.

Almost all of my regrets and disagreeable behaviours -both lamentably
abundant- derive from the times when I was guided by ego.   Lack of courage
prevents me from discussing these cringe-worthy moments.  However, believe
me when I tell you that they make me go flush with deep shame.

If that is true with you, also, as it likely is with most people, first
take heart.
That is not representative of who you truly are.

Ego is the aspect of the self that remains so constantly fearful of
discomfort and annihilation that it will compel us to act in destructive
ways merely to fortify it. Anger, of course, is a common means by which the
ego experiences a rapid inflation.  One doesn't have to spend much time
perusing newspapers or history books to understand anger's potency or

Spirit is the self:  is the calm, fully alive and alert self that revels in
this miraculous, albeit strange, world in which we have found ourselves.
It enhances joy as readily as it accepts sorrow.  It knows that life, the
pure beautiful, rapturous life, is manifested in every single breath.

That is all very well, but, how to access it?

By sheer repetition.  By deliberately deciding to shift away from ego and
onto spirit.     Not an easy task, at least not for me...and it continues
to be a fierce challenge most of the time.

But, heavens, I feel the difference.
Ego is my anxiety, my anger toward some others toward whom I harbor a
self-harming resentment, and my tendency to constantly seek approval from
others.  (Even though I am writing in the dark, I can now read by the glow
on my face.)   Paradoxically, it also separates me from the Universe and
seeks out adversaries where few actually exist.

When I access the spirit, I feel liberated from all that turmoil.   The
anxiety dissolves and is replaced with a sense of serene confidence in
self., The world becomes like a sunny day at an outdoor marketplace.

Unfortunately, having spent so much time nourishing the ego at the expense
of the spirit, the former remains the far more powerful of the two
entities.  Consequently, the turning away from the ego toward the spirit
sometimes seems like a Herculean labor.    Of course, as I continue with
this labors, I have found that the moments of deep angst and misery are
becoming fewer and farther between.

Now, if you'll forgive me, I will end by describing only myself:

My ego has often been a petulant child cringing behind a barrier it
perceived as being impregnable.

My spirit is the adult who stands tall and looks at others with a warmth
and cheerful benevolence.

To access it is to listen to the calm voice within who observes you with
affection and without judgement.  He/she is literally accessible with each
breath.   Incidentally, I used to think that notion was completely

I am so glad I don't anymore.

Happy Monday!

As usual, I hope I haven't wasted your time.


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