KN95 Masks for Public Libraries

The KN95 masks have been delivered to the Maine State Library.  I do know that the national news is full of the CDC's recent guidance that in many parts of the county, masks are now longer required indoors. That is not yet the case in Maine.

Maine is still listed as HIGH for community transmission<> at the CDC website and at the Governor's Maine COVID-19 Response<> webpage. So I believe that these masks may be helpful to many Maine libraries.

MSL will begin using both van and USPS to deliver masks based on the number of staff at your library.
The initial allocation will be 10 masks be person. Masks come in cellophane packages of 2.

If you do want a supply of masks, please fill out the form at Survey Monkey:

We will begin sending masks as the requests come in this week. Smaller libraries with staff less than 5 will get 5 packages of 2 for each staff member. Libraries with 5 staff or more will received boxes of 50.

Thanks for your patience.  I did want to ensure that KN95 masks ordered and received were one that have proper markings and were reviewed by NPPTL for use during the N95 shortage.
Feel free to email me with any questions.

Stay well all,

Janet McKenney
Director, Library Development
Maine State Library
SHS 64
230 State Street
Augusta, ME 04333

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@janetmckenney (Twitter)