Good morning MEEOA friends,

As you head into the weekend, I hope you'll take a moment to help us identify candidates for our open UB advisor position serving Narraguagus, Jonesport-Beals, Machias & Washington Academy.

TRIO Works because we hire great staff. Thank you for sharing this posting with your networks and spreading the word.
Upward Bound Advisor for Washington County<>
Bowdoin Upward Bound is a federally funded TRIO program providing college access services and support to 167 low-income, Maine high school students annually. The UB Advisor provides one-on-one school-based academic, personal, career and college counseling to area students as well as small and large group activities and training/oversight of area tutors and mentors. The UB Advisor works closely with target school staff and families in northern Washington County to identify and recruit eligible area students as well as plan and implement regional outreach activities including: tutoring, college visits, mentoring, job shadows and cultural enrichment.

Note: this is a full-time position with generous health, vacation and retirement benefits.

Happy Friday to you!


Bridget Mullen

Upward Bound

Bowdoin College / 3400 College Station

(877) 879 2731 Office |  (207) 837 9132 Direct


To book a meeting with Bridget

Book Appointment<https:[log in to unmask]>