Good morning, MEEOA!


Kennebec Valley Community College has an opening for a new Director of Advising—details at the link below.


KVCC has a strong institutional culture of promoting educational opportunity and success for TRIO-eligible students (the last time we submitted an SSS grant, 92% of KV students were eligible for TRIO in one or more categories). The new Director of Advising would play a key role in enabling this population of students to understand and navigate their way through degree requirements. Located just outside Waterville, KVCC is in a great area of the state, and we have absolutely amazing students.   


Review of resumes is underway, so please share widely and if you or someone you know is interested in applying, be sure to submit your materials ASAP! 😊


Director of Advising (Pending Classification) - KVCC (


Hope everyone has had a wonderful summer!





Lisa Black, TRIO Student Support Services Program Director





Text me at (207) 506-0201


Fairfield Campus:

Room 126B and 130, King Hall

92 Western Ave

Fairfield, ME 04937

(207) 453-5023


Alfond Campus:

Room 224, Averill Building

23 Stanley Re., Rt. 201

Hinckley, ME 04944

(207) 453-3595