Good morning, MEEOA!

Kennebec Valley Community College has an opening for a new Director of Advising—details at the link below.

KVCC has a strong institutional culture of promoting educational opportunity and success for TRIO-eligible students (the last time we submitted an SSS grant, 92% of KV students were eligible for TRIO in one or more categories). The new Director of Advising would play a key role in enabling this population of students to understand and navigate their way through degree requirements. Located just outside Waterville, KVCC is in a great area of the state, and we have absolutely amazing students. ❤

Review of resumes is underway, so please share widely and if you or someone you know is interested in applying, be sure to submit your materials ASAP! 😊

Director of Advising (Pending Classification) - KVCC (<>

Hope everyone has had a wonderful summer!


Lisa Black, TRIO Student Support Services Program Director


Text me at (207) 506-0201

Fairfield Campus:
Room 126B and 130, King Hall
92 Western Ave
Fairfield, ME 04937
(207) 453-5023

Alfond Campus:
Room 224, Averill Building
23 Stanley Re., Rt. 201
Hinckley, ME 04944
(207) 453-3595