Hello MEEOA,

Policy Seminar is just around the corner! So, here is a friendly reminder to nominate one of your alums for the 2021 Council for Opportunity in Education Policy Seminar (https://coenet.org/policy_seminar.shtml) which will be held virtually from March 22-24, 2021.

Candidates chosen to attend Policy Seminar will have an opportunity to share with Maine's Congressional Representatives and Senators about the impact of their participation in a TRIO or college access program, such as educational and professional goal attainment, and the importance of continued and increased funding for these programs. All candidates should have:

1) the ability to speak articulately and communicate their story to Maine's Congressional delegations and staff, and
2) academic, professional, and community achievements, activities, or contributions.

We have divided the nomination form into two parts so that you can submit your portion of the information and have your nominee submit theirs using a separate Google form. Please submit your nominations using this Nominator Form and have your nominee submit their information using the Nominee Form by February 19, 2021.

If you have any questions regarding this nomination form, please let me know. I look forward to seeing your nominations!


Terri Plummer, Director
TRIO College Programs at the University of Southern Maine
102 Bedford Street, Portland, Maine
(207) 780-4349

Strengths: Learner, Strategic, Achiever, Communication, Intellection

Schedule an appointment with me in my Portland office at: https://terri-plummer.youcanbook.me