Hello MEEOA,
Our MEEOA Achiever, UB Alum, and Executive Director of Educate Maine, Jason
Judd asked that I share this opportunity with the TRIO family. I have
attended the Education Symposium the past few years and always find it to
be a great gathering of educators. Here are more details about the virtual
event taking place December 3-4.

From Jason:
This year we have expanded the event to include an extra pre-conference
afternoon focused on social and emotional learning (SEL) and equity. In
addition, we have partnered with the MELMAC Education Foundation to support
the attendance of all of their grantees from Maine schools. In short, the
event will be even larger this year with additional sessions to support the
needs of educators, nonprofits, higher education faculty and staff,
business leaders, and policymakers.

Here are highlights of the two days:

   - An opening presentation at the pre-conference with state leaders from
   Delaware, Massachusetts, and Maine discussing statewide SEL and equity
   frameworks for supporting students
   - Inspiring keynote presentations from Mike Simonds, COO of Unum, and
   Rodney Robinson, the 2019 National Teacher of the Year
   - The award presentation honoring educators from across Maine including
   the presentation of the Weston L. Bonney Education Leadership Award to the
   University of Maine System with Chancellor Malloy accepting
   - Breakout sessions which include discussions from the Economic Recovery
   Committee, the future of higher education, college readiness for English
   language learners and multilingual students, supporting and retaining
   educators of color, and many more sessions focused on education, workforce
   development, policy, and partnerships

You can find the full agenda and information on the sessions here
<https://www.educatemaine.org/events/2020-annual-symposium> and register
directly here <https://hopin.to/events/2020-maine-education-symposium>.

*____________________________Elyse Pratt-Ronco*
Assistant Director
Upward Bound |University of Maine at Farmington
204 Franklin Hall
252 Main St.
Farmington, ME 04938
T: 207.778.7293 |C: 617.838.8561
Toll Free: 1.888.237-1667
Pronouns: she|her|hers