Hello all, 

Below is a message for Maine TRIO programs from the Council for Opportunity in Education regarding their TRIO Votes challenge, which Eric Pratt sent info about a few weeks ago. 

If you have more questions, feel free to reach out to me or Eric Pratt. Take care,



Please join our national effort on TRIO student voter registration and turnout - #TRIOVotes!


Join for a quick meeting to discuss the TRIO Votes Challenge and resources:

Thursday, October 8, 2020, 2-2:30pm

Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9601656995?pwd=bC8wbWNtNTBGR21HUE4xaCtlQm0rUT09

Meeting ID: 960 165 6995            Passcode: TRIOworME
Dial:       +13126266799,,9601656995# US (Chicago)

Here’s a sample student text message from TRIO staff to students: “Are you registered to vote? Follow the checklist at bit.ly/TRIOVotes – Please respond YES I’m registered or HELP for support with the checklist…”


Important – please report how many students you and your ME TRIO programs confirm are registered to vote, using this TRIO Votes Reporting Sheet.


Please plan to take 3-5 minutes to ask each student individually if they are registered to vote, and use the voter registration checklist. Don't let your students miss their chance to have their voices heard.


Share the TRIO Student Voting Checklist with your students and be sure they register to vote by the deadline!

Here are all the materials for the TRIO Votes Challenge:

Mark your calendar and sign up to join these national student voting events.

Mary Sinclair
Student Services Coordinator, Upward Bound
University of Maine at Farmington
252 Main Street, Farmington, ME 04938
207.778.7429 (w) 207.712.2930 (c)
Toll Free: 1.888.237.1667
pronouns: she/her