Philoctetes:  The bowman
First, let's recall the circumstances preceding Heracles' death.   He and his last mortal wife, Deianeira, were preparing to swim across the River Evinos.  So swift was the current that Heracles, for all his strength, was reluctant to convey his wife across, fearing that he might not be able to retrieve her were she to become separated from him.     Within moments of their arrival, the centaur Nessus approached them and offered to carry Deianeira to the opposite shore, himself.    Although Heracles was weary of Centaurs -for good reason as we'll learn at a later date-, he knew that they were fiercely strong and could cope with such turbulent waters.    Despite his understandable misgivings, Heracles permitted Nessus to convey Deianeira across.   Of course, as soon as they reached the opposite shore, Nessus attempted to spirit Deianeira away.   Heracles promptly let loose an arrow that struck the Centaur's side.    While Heracles frantically swam across the river, Nessus, moments from death, persuaded Deianeira to take some of his blood and use it as a love potion if she ever thought that Heracles was losing his affection for her.      Nessus somehow convinced Deianeira that giving her his blood was a genuine act of contrition, one that he hoped would spare him an eternity in Tartarus.  (Centaurs were all said to harbor a morbid fear of Tartarus due to their belief that it must be teeming with other Centaurs.)  By the time Heracles arrived, Nessus had died and Deianeira had concealed the phial of the Centaur's blood.  Years later, when Heracles had taken Iole as a mistress, the lovelorn Deianeira slathered his lion hyde cloak with blood.     As soon as he draped it over himself, Heracles shrieked with agony.  The blood was a fell poison, not a love potion.   He hurried to remove the cloak, only to find that some of his flesh came away with it.   The blood seeped into his skin and induced an anguish beyond anything he had ever experienced.  The pain was beyond all endurance and he wanted nothing more than to die.    Unfortunately, after having completed his twelve labors, Heracles had experienced an apotheosis.  He became an immortal god.  He pleaded with Zeus to make him mortal again so he could perish and be free of the excruciating torment.    Zeus acceded to the request.    He told Heracles that he needed to only lie atop a funeral pyre and have someone light it.  Heracles and his followers, all of whom were cowed by his thunderous shouts of anguish, quickly constructed the pyre and Heracles hastily placed himself on it.   "Light the pyre!" he demanded, his pain so intense he could barely speak.     None of his followers dared to obey the command.   They all knew that Heracles was a favorite son of Zeus and feared the consequences of lighting the pyre that would end his life.   "We cannot do it, my lord," the bravest (or, least timid) follower explained. "The fire will consume you whole and its flames will torture you all the while."   Heracles screamed back  "The pain of this blood poison is so great flames would be as spring breezes in comparison.  Light the pyre, I beg you!"    They all remained obstinate in their refusal.    Suddenly,   King Poens and his son Philoctetes were walking by and saw the commotion.  They heard the famous Heracles begging someone to light the pyre.   Unable to bear the sounds of such anguish, Philoctetes placed the torch on the pyre, setting it ablaze.     In gratitude, Heracles bequeathed Philoctetes his bow and poisoned arrows.  The gift was a great one, for the arrows always struck their intended targets.     Soon thereafter, Philoctetes joined every other Greek man at the palace of King Tyndareus, the father of Helen.   Like all the others, Philoctetes tried to persuade the King to let him become Helen's husband.  Tyndareus ultimately chose Menelaus, but not before making every other suitor vow to defend Helen's marriage against any interference.  So, when Trojan prince Paris abducted Helen, Philoctetes and the others mobilized their own armies to launch an assault on Troy.  Philoctetes gathered enough men to fill seven ships.   As they sailed toward Troy, however, a snake that stowed away on Philoctetes' vessel bit his ankle.    (Some insist the snake was not a stow away, but was placed on the ship by Hera who wanted to punish Philoctetes for helping Heracles.)   Philoctetes screamed in anguish so loudly it disturbed his entire crew.  Moreover, the wound wouldn't heal and it festered so badly a nauseating stench pervaded the entire ship.     The vessel stopped at the island of Lemnos.  So, too, did the ship commanded by Odysseus.   Having learned of Philoctetes' putrid wound and having heard his despairing cries, Odysseus suggested that they abandon him on Lemnos.    Though the crew was reluctant to proceed without their captain, they knew that without him onboard, the remainder of the journey would be calm and the stench would abate.    Odysseus allowed Philoctetes to retain his bow and arrow and use it to kill whatever game he needed for food.     And there the poor Philoctetes remained for nearly ten years while the Trojan War raged without him.    Toward the end of that ten years, realizing that the attack on Troy had turned into a protracted struggle, the Greeks captured the seer Helenus, twin brother to the unheeded prophetess Cassandra, and forced him under torture to reveal how the war could be won.   He explained that the Greeks could only prevail were they to use the divine Heracles' bow and arrows against the Trojans.  Odysseus and the Argive King Diomedes then sailed to Lemnos to collect the bow and arrows. They both naturally assumed that Philoctetes had perished long since, either from starvation or from the wound.  To their shock, Philoctetes "greeted" them on their arrival.    Of course, he didn't as much greet them as excoriate them for his abandonment.  His wound still festered and he suffered ineluctable torments on the island and managed to survive only because his arrows always struck every animal at which he had aimed.   Odysseus immediately retreated to the boat with Diomedes and hatched one of his cunning plans.     He instructed Diomedes to pretend to begin an argument with him and then strike him in the face.  He was to then rush to Philoctetes' side and profess everlasting hatred for Odysseus.  Diomedes was to claim he didn't know that Philoctetes had been stranded on the island and wanted to use the bow and arrows to slay Odysseus by way of avening the mistreatment.   Diomedes did as instructed. He screamed at Odysseus, struck him (harder than Odysseus had wanted, frankly) and went to Philoctetes.   Diomedes still needed all his cunning to convince Philoctetes that his hatred for Odysseus was sincere and his wish to slay him with the unerring arrows was genuine.    Philoctetes showed Diomedes the bow and arrows.  Diomedes promptly gathered them in his arms and prepared to leave.  He then heard Philoctetes bellow with pain and grab his foot.    Diomedes halted.  When Odysseus had come forth, Diomedes did not relinquish the weapons, but instead told Odysseus that they needed to bring Philoctetes with them back to Troy.   "We cannot abandon the wretch again, this time without any weapons," Diomedes demanded.      Odysseus, having then looked pitifully down at the wretched Philoctetes, agreed.    He then explained the ruse, implored him to forgive them and accompany them back to Troy.  Furious beyond measure, Philoctets took back his weapons and, with the arrow fitted into the bow, ordered them to leave the island.   At once, the ghost of Heracles, now a god, spoke to Philoctetes.  He assured him that if he joined the Trojan War, the healer Asclepius would cure his wound and the Greeks would win the Trojan War.     Philoctetes complied immediately and traveled back to Troy.      Asclepius did, indeed, heal his ankle wound.   Philoctetes then fought valiantly in the conflict, killing three trojans, including Paris, himself, the famous Trojan prince whose abduction of Helen precipitated the greatest war the world had ever known up to that time.      Philoctetes is principally known now - albeit by only a few- as the killer of Paris.  Of course, armed with those arrows, Philoctetes enjoyed a tremendous advantage over him. 
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Altitude:  10 feet below sea level
Founded January 1970
Julian Date: 2459057.16
2019-2020:  CLXXXV

Monday, July 27, 2020
Remote Planetarium 72:   Proper Stellar Motions  

Let's begin today's class with a demonstration.      Fold your hands on your desk, close your eyes and count to seven.     Go ahead, we'll wait....
Welcome back.   During that seven second meditation, you traveled one thousand miles through the Milky Way Galaxy.  Well, more precisely, the Sun traveled through the galaxy and dragged the entire solar system, including the planets, moon and other bodies, with it.   The Sun is moving through the Milky Way at 143 miles per second: every second of every day.   At this rapid clip, the Sun and the rest of the solar system completes one orbit around the Milky Way every 225 million years, a period called a "galactic year."        Every other star within the galaxy also moves quite rapidly.   The velocity depends on location:  stars such as the Sun that reside along the spiral arms travel more slowly than those clustered around the nucleus.  

Even though the stars we see in the sky are moving at speeds comparable to that of the Sun, they each exhibit a different proper motion, defined as the motion that displaces them relative to a set position, which, in our case, is the First Point of Aries, or the Vernal Equinox.*      Three factors determine a star's proper motion:

  • its distance
  • its transverse velocity
  • its radial velocity
The closest stars tend to exhibit the highest proper motions.     The relationship between distance and apparent motion is quite intuitive.    Think of watching a truck driving along a freeway.  If you happen to be far away from the truck, its progression across your sight line seems slower than it would if you were standing closer to it.    In the 19th century, astronomers such as Friedrich Bessel chose to measure the parallaxes of stars with the highest proper motion as they correctly assumed they were the closest to our solar system. 

Transverse velocity:  the component of velocity across the sight line.
Let's use a sports analogy.  Imagine you're watching a tennis match from the center court.    During each volley, the tennis ball will exhibit a high transverse velocity: it will move quickly from left to right according to your perspective.    A star with a high transverse velocity will exhibit a greater proper motion than one that is not moving as quickly along the sight line.    

Radial velocity:  the component of velocity along the sight line. 
To continue the sports analogy, now imagine you're one of the tennis players. The ball's radial velocity will be much higher than its transverse velocity as the ball moves directly away from  and then back toward you.  (As the players are striking the tennis ball so that it hits different points within the opponent's court, it will also exhibit a transverse velocity component as well.)    If a star has a high radial velocity but zero transverse velocity, it will exhibit no proper motion at all.   The star will appear to maintain the same position relative to the other stars.   Of course, if the star is moving away from the Sun, its brightness will decrease over time.  If it is moving toward the Sun, its brightness will increase.

From our perspective, all these motions are relative to the Sun's, which is following its own orbital path around the galaxy.   Because no star's path is precisely the same as the Sun's, each star will exhibit both radial and transverse velocities in varying amounts.    The actual proper motion is determined by combining these two velocity components and the star's distance.  A graphic below shows the relations between these factors and the proper motion.


Astronomers measure proper stellar motions in mill-arc seconds/year in terms of declination and right ascension.   
Declination:  a celestial body's apparent angular distance from the celestial equator.  Measured in degrees, minutes, seconds
Right ascension:  a celestial body's apparent angular distance from the point of the vernal equinox.  Measured in hours, minutes, seconds.

The five stars with the highest proper motions:

  • Barnard's Star     declination  pm: 10328.12 mas/year
  • Kapetyn's Star     declination  pm: -5730.84 mas/year
  • Groombridge 1830   declination pm: -5813.62 mas/year
  • Lacaille 9352    declination pm:  1327.52 mas/year
  • Gliese 1              declination pm:  -2337.71 mas/year

61 Cygni, the first star system whose distance was determined by trigonometric parallax, exhibits a high proper motion.  Here we can observe how much the two stars comprising 61 Cygni shifted over the course of 32 years.

Over long time periods, proper stellar motions will affect the appearance of the constellations.   However, the proper motions are so small (on the order of arc-seconds per year**) that the constellations will appear the same even over thousands of years. Though the identities have varied,  the star patterns adorning our sky look the same now as they have throughout recorded history. Were you to travel back to ancient Egypt, you'd observe Orion high above you and would be hard pressed to notice much of a difference. Similarly, if you propel yourself forward thousands of years, the same Orion would appear. (Assuming, of course, that Betelgeuse hasn't gone supernova in the interim.)   

Now, if you could see the sky tens of thousands of years from now, the proper stellar motions would become more apparent. The constellations would experience noticeable distortions. The following is an image of the Big Dipper*** at different time periods.

Big Dipper in the past and future

This image illustrates that the Big Dipper will experience profound changes in the distant future. Eventually, it will lose the Big Dipper shape entirely. So, the constellations you see when you're a 100 won't be exactly the same as those you saw when you were, let's say, 10. However, the changes are so negligible, that it will seem as though no time has passed at all, at least amongst the Pantheon of the Constellations.

[See a fascinating -and a bit eerie- time lapse sequence of Orion the Hunter as its appearance changes over tens of thousands of years on the planetarium web-site: ]     

As we prepare to move onto galactic astronomy, it is helpful to remember that none of the stars are stationary.  All of them are traveling within the Milky Way at various velocities and directions.     When we observe our night sky, the stars all seem stationary.   They are nothing of the sort.    Were we able to watch millions of years pass over a single night, the stars would be darting rapidly through the sky:  some vanishing, others appearing;  very much like a swarm of bees.       Constellations would take form and dissipate like clouds.    Like so much else, the "inert night sky" is merely an illusion.   

*Another example of astronomical ancestor worship.     The vernal equinox point was once located in the constellation Aries the Ram.   Precession shifted it into the Pisces region in 100 BCE.     However, astronomers still refer to the vernal equinox point as the "First Point of Aries."     They probably will continue to do so even when the vernal equinox enters Aquarius in the early 28th century.

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