ENA hosted a webinar on July 15th - *Silver Linings Guidebook: What Is
Working in Remote Learning*.

*I'm passing this information along from ENA:*


We greatly enjoyed hosting the webinar "*Silver Linings Guidebook: What Is
Working in Remote Learning*." Connecting with so many members of our
education community was a great pleasure for us, and we hope that you found
it as informative as we did.

Because so many of you took the time to share your insights and knowledge
with us, we wanted all members of our community to have a chance to learn
from your experiences. So, for those who were unable to attend the webinar,
we’re making a recording available here:


Password: 7n=YoI.%

Nicole O’Brien

ENA, Account Service Manager - Northeast              Customer Engagement


Gary Lanoie, Executive Director
ACTEM - The Association of Computer Technology Educators of Maine
P.O. Box 187, Gorham, ME 04038
Phone: (207) 222-4353    FAX:  (207) 222-2057     Email:  [log in to unmask]
   *ACTEM 2020 Conference  *•*  Oct. 20-21, 2020   •   Augusta Civic
Center- Augusta, ME*