Happy Friday MEEOA,

Hopefully everyone is enjoying the beautiful weather we are seeing in Maine right now. There's really nothing like some heavy snow to shovel to brighten the quarantine experience! 

Thank you to everyone who participated in our online election this year. Next year's Executive Committee Officers will be:

Mary Sinclair, President
Sam Prosser, President Elect
Steve Visco, Past-President
Nik Lallemand, Treasurer
Lisa Black, Secretary. 

Congratulations everyone! Also, thank you to everyone who expressed an interest in serving on a committee next year, and expect to hear from us shortly! 

Hospitality Zoom
Wednesday appears to be the day that works for the most people, so I have set up a Zoom for Wednesday, April 15th at 4:30. 

Connecting info is below. (note that you might need a password depending on how you connect, and the pw is 089810.)

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://maine.zoom.us/j/415860695?pwd=NkR3c1grVWJkNWlQTWR6NXovM1NwZz09
    Password: 089810

Or Telephone:
        US: +1 646 876 9923 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 408 638 0968 or +1 669 900 6833 
    Meeting ID: 415 860 695

From a Polycom or other H.323 room system that is not a member of a video conference, click call on the remote and dial one of the following IP addresses followed by # the meeting ID and # again: (US East) (US West)
     Meeting ID: 415 860 695
    Password: 089810

Hope to see you all there, and hope everyone has a great weekend!

Steve Visco
Assistant Director
Maine Educational Opportunity Center
Maine Educational Talent Search
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(207) 581-3706