Just saw information about this resource released recently:
[image: Teach_from_Home.png]

For all the parents, teachers, and caregivers struggling with suddenly
having to home-school their kids during the coronavirus
<https://www.digitaltrends.com/topic/coronavirus/>, Google’s newest feature,
 Teach From Home <https://teachfromhome.google/intl/en/>, and YouTube’s
Learn@Home <https://learnathome.withyoutube.com/> launched Friday in an
effort to lighten the burden.

Gary Lanoie, Executive Director
ACTEM - The Association of Computer Technology Educators of Maine
P.O. Box 187, Gorham, ME 04038
Phone: (207) 222-4353    FAX:  (207) 222-2057     Email:  [log in to unmask]
   *ACTEM 2020 Conference  *•*  Oct. 20-21, 2020   •   Augusta Civic
Center- Augusta, ME*