[image: SLC_Logo.jpg]
*ACTEM Spring Leadership Conference*

*                    May 6, 2020 – Holiday Inn by the Bay, Portland, ME*

ACTEM is watching the news like you are and we’re concerned for the
potential impact of the Coronavirus on our Spring Leadership Conference.
We are seeing many events being canceled, rescheduled, or virtualized.

Because things are changing daily, ACTEM will be deferring a decision about
our conference at this time.  ACTEM does not want to put any of you at risk
by attending our annual Spring Leadership Conference.  We will proceed
carefully and ultimately make a decision based upon the guidance from the
State and the CDC to ensure the safety of all.

ACTEM has posted a  “Response to potential Coronavirus impact on our 2020
Spring Leadership Conference
on our website.

ACTEM has a great line up of workshops and an outstanding keynote speaker
scheduled for the 2020 Spring Leadership Conference.  We are hoping that
circumstances will improve in the near future and we will still be able to
offer this annual professional development opportunity for Maine
educators.  We currently have over 50 attendees along with 16 exhibitors
and 30 exhibitor reps and presenters registered.

*In the meantime…*

·       ACTEM encourages everyone to stay safe and follow the guidelines
offered by many agencies including the CDC on the Coronavirus

·       Ultimately, ACTEM is prepared to cancel the conference if the
Coronavirus impact becomes a high risk in our State.

·       ACTEM will be (as listed in our “Response to potential Coronavirus
impact...) offering credit and/or refunds for both attendees and exhibitors
if our conference is canceled.

*H**ere is information about the Spring Leadership Conference, keynote &


Here is the registration link:  http://www.actem.org/event-3695191

Anyone registering for the Spring Leadership Conference at this time is
asked not to pay until after the conference date on May 6th.

Best regards!


Gary Lanoie, Executive Director
ACTEM - The Association of Computer Technology Educators of Maine
P.O. Box 187, Gorham, ME 04038
Phone: (207) 222-4353    FAX:  (207) 222-2057     Email:  [log in to unmask]
   *ACTEM 2020 Spring Leadership Conference  *•*  May 6, 2020   •   Holiday
Inn by the Bay - Portland, ME*