Hi all,

It's that time of year again!  MEEOA CON 2020 is right around the corner and we are looking to amp up the auctions this year!  We will be doing a live auction & chance auction again.  We are looking to increase the funds raised this year, so our aim is to collect new items for the auctions.  Things like gift certificates/cards, gift baskets, etc are perfect!

Anyone can collect items but I am also looking for a handful of volunteers to search their regions of the state and collect items as well.  If you are interested, please reply to me privately and let me know.  Many hands make light work!

After you have secured an auction item, please complete this form.  I will be keeping a running list of items available for everyone to view.  You can make your wish list ahead of time and plan for the number of tickets you might need to get!

The countdown is on- see you in 46 days!


Shelbie Ross

Advisor, Maine Educational Opportunity Center
316 Chadbourne Hall
Orono, ME 04469-5713
207-991-2851 (cell)