1. Podcast “Their Own Devices” is a great resource.  Moderators are an IT
security expert and a physician who specializes with teens.  They are
married to each other, have a teen son, and interview all sorts of
professionals, parents, and kids.  They toss around all sorts of deep
subjects related to teens and tech use, common fears, unanswered questions,
and so on.


2. Interview 12 year olds.  They’re so insightful and often still willing
to share their thoughts with adults.


El El mar, may. 21, 2019 a las 6:18 p. m., jonathan r. werner <
[log in to unmask]> escribió:

> Hello folks --
> I am working with a student at Waynflete to do some research on the
> challenges of balancing positive technology use with the drawbacks of
> distraction, multi-tasking, and off-task work.  Whether or not specific to
> the school context:
> 1. I would very much appreciate any resources you have found helpful that
> address this tension between positive and negative tech impacts.
> 2. I would REALLY appreciate any quick thoughts he could use as he writes
> up and presents his findings in the form of a soundbite quote etc.
> Thanks in advance!
> - JW
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