while I am working on the rankings for all 4 regionals, I wanted to throw a few questions out to the list.  

I am trying to decide about the future of this contest or anything like it.  Back in the nineties, we had 50 or more people participating.  Now we have 18.  For the past few years, the number has been pretty steady between the mid teens and the mid twenties.

So this question is this:  has the contest run its course?  Is it time to stop?  

Over the course of the years I have run several variations of this.

There are the usual contests 1-3.

There are contest 1-6 where 4-6 are the same as 1-3 except without weighting of later rounds.

Now I'm doing 1-3 but also running mini-contests for each of the regionals.

What is the general feeling out there?  What, if anything, should I be doing going forward?