I expect only father time will decrease your number of entries.  I always
look forward to making an entry, skipping the sweakball party.


On Thu, Apr 4, 2019 at 4:35 PM Mark Lewin <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> while I am working on the rankings for all 4 regionals, I wanted to throw
> a few questions out to the list.
> I am trying to decide about the future of this contest or anything like
> it.  Back in the nineties, we had 50 or more people participating.  Now we
> have 18.  For the past few years, the number has been pretty steady between
> the mid teens and the mid twenties.
> So this question is this:  has the contest run its course?  Is it time to
> stop?
> Over the course of the years I have run several variations of this.
> There are the usual contests 1-3.
> There are contest 1-6 where 4-6 are the same as 1-3 except without
> weighting of later rounds.
> Now I'm doing 1-3 but also running mini-contests for each of the regionals.
> What is the general feeling out there?  What, if anything, should I be
> doing going forward?

Jim Dixon
(907) 479-4306 home
(907) 474-7099 work
(661) 236-1375 cell