Blended and Personalized Learning Conference
April 4-6, 2019 - RI Convention Center - Providence, RI

Dear ACTEM members,

From April 4th - 6th, Highlander Institute
<http://www.highlanderinstitute.org/> & the Learning Accelerator
<http://learningaccelerator.org/> are hosting the 8th annual Blended &
Personalized Learning Conference <https://blendedlearningconference.com/> at
the RI Convention Center in Providence, RI. BPLC is the best practitioners
conference in the country, featuring workshops and sessions led by
classroom, building, and district leaders from around the United States.
With offerings across grade levels, content areas, school models, and
elements of systems change, participants will return with tactical
strategies and tested resources to support replication efforts in their own
schools and districts.

Join us for afternoon open houses and our Edtech Pitchfest on the 4th, full
day workshops or classroom site visits on the 5th, and our full-featured
Symposium on the 6th.  Don't hesitate, *r**egister** today
at https://blendedlearningconference.com/register
<http://bit.ly/BPLC19-MassCUE>* to ensure your spot before we sell out!

The Highlander Institute & TLA

Gary Lanoie, Executive Director
ACTEM - The Association of Computer Technology Educators of Maine
P.O. Box 187, Gorham, ME 04038
Phone: (207) 222-4353    FAX:  (207) 222-2057     Email:  [log in to unmask]
   *ACTEM 2019 Spring Leadership Conference  *•*  April 24, 2019   •
 Holiday Inn by the Bay - Portland, ME*