Sorry for the last minute sharing but I wanted to pass along the flyer for the Summer Internship at MMCRI in Scarborough. Applications are due Feb 11.

The 2019 Maine Medical Center Research Institute Summer Student Research Program application is now live on our website. The application deadline is February 11, 2019.

During the summer months Maine Medical Center Research Institute provides undergraduates with an opportunity for a paid internship in biomedical research through the ten week MMCRI Summer Student Research Program. Students enrolled as a student in an undergraduate college program or community college program, or high school seniors at least 18 years of age are eligible to apply. College seniors who graduate in the 2018-2019 academic year are eligible to apply. Participants must be eligible to be employed in the United States.

Research at MMCRI covers a broad area in biomedical science including vascular biology, stem cell biology, developmental biology, neurobiology, hematology, nephrology, tumor biology, and molecular genetics as well as outcomes research, vector-borne diseases, and clinical research.

Rebecca (Becky) Colannino
University of Maine
TRIO Upward Bound Programs
327 Chadbourne Hall
Orono, Maine 04469-5713

207-581-2710 fax
207-745-5230 cell

“We are more alike, my friends, than we are unalike” -Maya Angelou
2018 Summer Program Theme