Dear MEEOA Membership,
Along with the various items brought each year to our conference to be
auctioned, there are two special items that have endured throughout the
years and that stay specifically within the MEEOA community. Below is one
of these items, a beautiful hand-made TRiO quilt! The winning bidder wins
the privilege and honor of taking care of this quilt for one year and then
must return the quilt to MEEOA to be auction again the next year. The quilt
is often displayed publically, with prominence and pride, and is a reminder
of the hard work that all of us in MEEOA do on a daily basis to promote
educational opportunity in the great State of Maine! This is YOUR office's
year to carry the torch and bid for the chance to display this quilt! Be
prepared though as this coveted honor does not come at a low price; bring
those checkbooks and let's see who walks away with the quilt for 2019. See
you all there.
- Rusty

[image: IMG_9669 V5.jpg]
Rusty R. Brown
Academic Coordinator
Classic Upward Bound Program
301 Chadbourne Hall
Fax: 581-2710
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"All of us do not have equal talent, but all of us should have an equal
opportunity to develop our talent"
John F. Kennedy