Hello, MEEOA! I hope you are having a successful autumn! I know we are all very busy but it is that time of the year again when I ask for your nominations for our alumni awards. I have attached the nomination forms to this email and Casey, our IT guru, has uploaded them to the MEEOA website as well. I would like to have all nominations back by December 7. Please let me know if you have any questions. Also, don't forget to update your membership and register for the conference! Happy Thanksgiving to all and I look forward to seeing you soon!

Michelle M Richards
TRIO College Access Services - Upward Bound
College Access Advisor
Travel and Family Involvement Coordinator
Office: 207-521-3100 ext. 3116
Cell: 207-227-1852
Fax: 207-521-3101
pronouns: she, her, hers
"Don't let the past dictate who you are but let it be a part of who you become."